The same gameplay and rules as our original version, and now with updated artwork and optional advanced play. Play just like the original, or add in the advanced cards for a new spin.
Create stacks of assets by pairing sets of asset cards, like Piggy Banks, Cash Under the Mattress, Jewels, Classic Autos, and more. Each new set is stacked atop the previous set, literally COVERING your Assets!
Watch out though—the top set on every player's pile can be challenged and stolen by other players if they reveal a matching asset, or a Wild Silver or Gold card!
You're not defenseless though; you can reveal your own matching assets or wild cards to protect your top set. The last player to reveal a card takes, or keeps the set, along with all the cards used in the challenge, increasing its value... and increasing other player's desire to take it!
A perfect party game for kids and adults alike, it'll have you all laughing and teasing one another all night! No wonder it's on Amazon's list of top rated card games
Barang ini adalah non original, melainkan Replica Ori 1:1 Membeli = Memahami dan menyetujui
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Cover Your Assets Board GameCover Your Assets Board GameCover Your Assets Board GameCover Your Assets Board Game