A good night sleep is very important for babies. To help achieveing that, we offer our baby pillow bolster set. They are soft. They are fluffy. They are sized to be comfortable for those tiny arms and legs. The attractive designs also add to the overall mood of the bedding room.
The pillow and bolster set consists of 1 pillow and 2 bolster. This includes the insert and cover.
note: Harga untuk 1 Bantal + 2 Guling beserta sarung nya (selimut atau sprei tdk termasuk)
Ready : Rainbow Castle UP and Away City Cars Sea Animals Papa Bear Mohon cantumkan pilihan, atau kami kirimkan random.
Standard packing kami adalah dengam bubble wrap 1 lapis (free), ada resiko kardus/kotak kemasan bantal rusak/penyok di ekspedisi, namun bantal & guling bisa kami pastikan aman, mohon bijak dlm memberikan ulasan.
Gambar produk
COTTONSEEDS Pillow Bolster Set Bantal Guling Bayi Cotton Seeds BabyCOTTONSEEDS Pillow Bolster Set Bantal Guling Bayi Cotton Seeds BabyCOTTONSEEDS Pillow Bolster Set Bantal Guling Bayi Cotton Seeds BabyCOTTONSEEDS Pillow Bolster Set Bantal Guling Bayi Cotton Seeds BabyCOTTONSEEDS Pillow Bolster Set Bantal Guling Bayi Cotton Seeds BabyCOTTONSEEDS Pillow Bolster Set Bantal Guling Bayi Cotton Seeds BabyCOTTONSEEDS Pillow Bolster Set Bantal Guling Bayi Cotton Seeds BabyCOTTONSEEDS Pillow Bolster Set Bantal Guling Bayi Cotton Seeds BabyCOTTONSEEDS Pillow Bolster Set Bantal Guling Bayi Cotton Seeds Baby