Detail Corong Mulut Besar Serba guna (Es)/ Large Mouth Funnel
Deskripsi Corong Mulut Besar Serba guna (Es)/ Large Mouth Funnel RESTOCK WARNA BARU
**PERHATIAN: Dilarang menggunakan kurir WAHANA khusus barang ini. Dikarenakan mudah rusak tergencet barang lain sewaktu pengiriman. Apabila Agan memilih kurir Wahana maka resiko di pembeli apabila pecah**
Corong mulut besar ini serba guna. Bisa untuk membuat makanan kaleng, untuk penjual makanan, bakso, mie, aneka kuah atau sup, es batu, es serut dan lainnya. Memudahkan memasukan makanan dengan sekali tuang saja. Plastik/wadah juga tetap bersih dan rapih.
Mulut corong luar sekitar diameter 9.7 cm Mulut corong dalam sekitar diameter 4.5 cm Panjang keseluruhan sekitar 12 cm
Warna: Clear Merah Kuning Hijau
Terbuat dari plastik. Jika tidak mencantumkan warna, kami kirim secara acak. Mungkin ada perbedaan warna dari poto dan barang.
Barang yang akan di kirim WARNA RANDOM sesuai Ketersediaan Barang
Description of the Large Mouth Funnel (Ice) RESTOCK NEW COLORS
** CAUTION: It is prohibited to use WAHANA couriers specifically for this item. Due to easily damaged, other items are squashed during delivery. If you choose Wahana courier then the buyer is at risk if it breaks **
This large mouthpiece is versatile. Able to make canned food, for food vendors, meatballs, noodles, various soups or soups, ice cubes, shaved ice and others. Make it easy to put food in with just one pour. Plastics / containers are also kept clean and tidy.
The mouth of the outer funnel is about 9.7cm in diameter Inner funnel mouth about 4.5 cm in diameter The total length is about 12 cm
Color: Clear Red Yellow Green
Made of plastic. If the color is not listed, we send randomly. There may be color differences between photos and items. terima kasih
Gambar produk
Corong Mulut Besar Serba guna (Es)/ Large Mouth FunnelCorong Mulut Besar Serba guna (Es)/ Large Mouth FunnelCorong Mulut Besar Serba guna (Es)/ Large Mouth FunnelCorong Mulut Besar Serba guna (Es)/ Large Mouth FunnelCorong Mulut Besar Serba guna (Es)/ Large Mouth Funnel