Detail Coriander Seed Essential Oil - Rumah Atsiri
Botanical Name: Coriandrum sativum Main Composition: Linalool, alpha-Pinene, Camphor, gamma-terpinene
Coriander seed is a highly aromatic oil with a long history of medicinal use. Its antiseptic action helps cleanse the skin and fight fungal infections. It can help relieve pain, fight exhaustion, and enhance well-being with the herby aroma.
SAFETY & PRECAUTIONS Please be well-informed prior to application.
APPLICATIONS: Inhale Simply inhaling the aroma can give specific effects on our mind, body, and soul. Let the aroma stimulate your senses, interact with the limbic system, and bring a desired emotional response.
Diffusion The most effective and efficient way to enjoy essential oil. Using a particular diffusing device allows us to experience the aromatic benefits for an extended period of time.
Topical Use Essential oils are easily absorbed into the skin, so make sure to understand the oil's nature, sensitivity, and maximum intake usage for each oil. Topical use requires us to keep the safe amount-per-day guidelines in mind.
Internal Use Never swallow or ingest essential oil before educating yourself about its safety or consulting a physician.