Converter Iphone Lightning To Dual Lightning Y kabel For Iphone

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Detail Converter Iphone Lightning To Dual Lightning Y kabel For Iphone

Deskripsi Converter kabel jack audio Y / DUAL linghtning USB For Iphone
Ready n siap kirim Y CABLE iPhone 7, 7PLus, 8, 8Plus, iPhone X (Suport IOS 10, 11)

Y Cable berfungsi untuk dapat menggunakan handsfree/ earpod sekaligus charging pada saat yang bersamaan.
Mic dan tombol volume berfungsi dengan normal.

-Support Audio Ouput
-Support Headset Call
-Support Headset Controller
-support Charging Function
-Support Synchronous Data

-Product Name : Y Cable
-Length : 96.5mm
Connector : Lightning x 1
Output : Lightning x 2

Support iPhone 7 , iPhone 7 Plus , iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X.

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Converter Iphone Lightning To Dual Lightning Y kabel For Iphone
Converter Iphone Lightning To Dual Lightning Y kabel For Iphone
Converter Iphone Lightning To Dual Lightning Y kabel For Iphone
Converter Iphone Lightning To Dual Lightning Y kabel For Iphone
Converter Iphone Lightning To Dual Lightning Y kabel For Iphone
Converter Iphone Lightning To Dual Lightning Y kabel For Iphone