Comvita® Manuka Blend Honey is a delicious balance of New Zealand’s unique and special Manuka honey combined with a variety of other rich and herbaceous New Zealand bush honeys such as Rewarewa and Kamahi.
Manuka Blend is herbaceous and woody, but not as strong in flavour as its monofloral counterpart, so it’s a great option for those who prefer a milder honey taste.
An excellent everyday honey, easy to drink when combined with warm water or milk, and perfect for adding an extra dimension to fruits and cereals.
Benefit dan Kegunaan: Madu Manuka adalah mengandung segala kebaikan dari alam, mengandung oligosaccharides and prebiotics, amino acids, polyphenolic dan plant-derived compounds lainnya. Madu Manuka memiliki texture creamy dan lezat. Madu Manuka sangat baik diminum langsung atau juga dapat digunakan sebagai tambahan nutrisi dan rasa pada teh, oatmeal, yogurt, smoothie Delicicious and creamed to perfection, enjoy adding to your tea, oatmeal, yogurt, smoothie. Baik diminum dipagi hari saat bangun tidur, sebelum berolah raga, ataupun digunakan secara topical untuk kesehatan kulit.