- Harga sudah termasuk Hardcase seharga 400rb (di pasaran) - 100% produk original Wacaco Nanopresso (ada kartu garansi)
Nanopresso adalah alat pembuat kopi espresso manual. Dibuat oleh perusahaan terkenal Wacaco, nanopresso ini dirancang untuk menyempurnakan produk sebelumnya yg sukses di pasaran yaitu Minipresso.
Espresso maker yg satu ini berukuran sangat kecil, mudah dibawa kemana-mana, dan yg paling penting dapat menghasilkan espresso nikmat dengan crema yg cukup tebal.
Keunggulan Nanopresso (dibanding minipresso): 1. Ukuran yg lebih kecil 2. Tekanan yg dihasilkan lebih besar (18 bar) 3. Kapasitas air lebih banyak 4. Piston yg lebih senyap dan smooth 5. Lebih compact dan kokoh
Highlights: Innovative construction and easy operation requiring 15% less force to pump compared to previous models for brewing perfect cups with a nice and dense crema layer Massive power: capable of reaching a maximum of 18 bars (261 PSI) of pressure for unparalleled coffee extractions qualities Ergonomic design and shorter length make it easy to hold and easy to pack, engineered to be extremely light yet has a construction that delivers a reassuringly solid feel Case made of durable EVA material and soft fabric interior lining, specially designed to fit around the Nanopresso and helps protect it Water tank is lined and protected by the detachable cup and can hold up to 80ml of wate
Packed with new features and capabilities, which will drastically improve the way you prepare your favorite coffee, Nanopresso is one of the best and most versatile espresso machines. A truly unique addition to your coffee toolkit. Built around a newly patented pumping system, the Nanopresso is capable of reaching, with the help of your hands, a maximum of 18 bars (261 PSI) of pressure for unparalleled coffee extractions qualities. The Nanopresso works best with finely ground coffee that is tamped hard.