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Penggiling Kopi/Coffee Grinder Ferratti Ferro : mesin penggiling biji kopi yang praktis, menghasilkan gilingan kopi yang baik, serta dapat diatur tingkat kekasaran dan kehalusan gilingan sesuai keinginan.
FERRATTI FERRO E-CONTROL COARSENESS COFFEE GRINDER Model : FGM-K90 Colour : White, Glossy Aqua, Glossy Black, Glossy Blue, Glossy Orange, Glossy Red, Glossy Silver, Glossy Yellow, Matte Black ( tidak menyertakan warna pada note akan di kirim random) Voltage : 220V/50Hz Rated Power (1385 RPM) : 420W Bean Hopper Capacity : 1000 Gram NW/GW : 16 Kgs/17 Kgs Dimension : 19x30x58CM Packing box : 29x38x70CM Burr diameter and smash abillity : 83mm Flat Burr Body material : aluminium Grind material : Titanium Heavy duty Burr : Italmill Hopper material : Hard Plastic LCD Display : Colour Touch screen : Yes With Multilingual Adjustable fork with support : Yes Warranty : motor 1 year Features : - Heavy duty Burr by Italmill, Cologne, Italy. - Heavy Duty Coating By Freilacke, Germany. - Microcontroller By Infineon, Germany. - Stainless Steel By Sumitomo Corp, Japan. - Full colour High Resolution Resistive 5" touch screen by GSR, Italy. - Smart E-Controller Coffee Coarseness. - Large Powder Tray Capacity; Adjustable Handle Support. - Dengan kapasitas hasil gilingan mencapai 10-12 Kgs/Hour. - Maintenance reminder function. - Cooling Fan to keep original flavour (with thermal protector). - 4 tahap grinding:standart,automatic,pre-selection dan direct selection. - Automatic selection single and double shot.
Video product dapat dilihat di channel youtube PT Indotara Persada dengan keywords : -CARA KALIBRASI GRINDER KOPI FGM K90 FERRATTI FERRO SUPER CEPAT & CANGGIH
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Coffee Grinder Machine / Alat Penggiling Kopi Ferratti Ferro FGM-K90Coffee Grinder Machine / Alat Penggiling Kopi Ferratti Ferro FGM-K90