Detail COCA-COLA Body Healthy Tea W 500ml asli Teh Diet Korea Yoo In-Na
Video perkenalan produk COCA-COLA Body Healthy Tea W 500ml asli Teh Diet Korea Yoo In-Na. Sumber: Shopee.
Nature Concept memang selalu punya produk yang bener2 unik dan tidak ada di seller lain, karena kami memang senang memanjakan pelanggan kami dengan produk2 yang unik dan special.
Produk ini asli 100% dari Korea, buatan Coca-Cola, minuman kesukaan artis korea Yoo In-na, NO SUGAR, Healthy Diet Tea ala Korea, perpaduan Oolong Tea, Green Tea & Black Tea, rasanya enak, teh oolongnya terasa segar dan yang paling penting menyehatkan dan cocok buat diet. Teh Diet ini hanya perlu diminum setelah makan. Teh ini mengandung fiber dextrin yang akan membantu menurunkan gula darah dan meningkatkan Triglycerin darah pada makanan. Jadi gak perlu khawatir jaga makan lagi, yang penting minum teh Korea ini aja setelah makan, gampang banget kan?
What is Dextrin? Dextrin is a natural fiber with a lot to offer. It can support your body's ability to remove wastes. Fiber may also support satiation and healthy weight loss. Dextrin also has the ability to lower the glycemic load of a high-carbohydrate meal.
Yoo In-na... My One more Secret, After Meal Secret W Tea of the Sun
The After Meal Secret W Tea of the Sun contains Indigestible Dextrin (Dietary Fiber 12.7 g) that can help you lower the blood sugar level and improve blood triglycerides, with the clear taste of green tea and Oolong tea that will give you a refreshing finish.
COCA-COLA Body Healthy Tea W 500ml
A dietary fiber, indigestible dextrin plant-derived, which reduces the absorption of fat, to calm the absorption of sugar blend of food for specified health use with the two main ingredients
The Body Health W is a recommendation for people who want an ideal healthy life without changing their menu or meals in daily life.
Body Health W makes you feel the fresh aftertaste if you drink it after having a meal.
Limited Stock ya... gak gampang dapat barangnya, hanya Nature Concept yang punya... Grab it Fast sebelum kehabisan..
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COCA-COLA Body Healthy Tea W 500ml asli Teh Diet Korea Yoo In-NaCOCA-COLA Body Healthy Tea W 500ml asli Teh Diet Korea Yoo In-NaCOCA-COLA Body Healthy Tea W 500ml asli Teh Diet Korea Yoo In-NaCOCA-COLA Body Healthy Tea W 500ml asli Teh Diet Korea Yoo In-NaCOCA-COLA Body Healthy Tea W 500ml asli Teh Diet Korea Yoo In-NaCOCA-COLA Body Healthy Tea W 500ml asli Teh Diet Korea Yoo In-NaCOCA-COLA Body Healthy Tea W 500ml asli Teh Diet Korea Yoo In-NaCOCA-COLA Body Healthy Tea W 500ml asli Teh Diet Korea Yoo In-NaCOCA-COLA Body Healthy Tea W 500ml asli Teh Diet Korea Yoo In-Na