Detail Coby Haus Lolly Gummy Rocking Chair Ride On 3in1
This is not the usual shake loh, Moms because it can be on the rise to sit normally, YES, SEATING seat for the little guy
Even more cool, can withstand loads up to 30 kg! Why? Because this Cobyhaus product is made from SOLID material yes, Moms! It does not have a hollow or an easy grip
In addition to the complete certification, this Shake Chair also features a seat belt! So, safe yes, Moms compilation the little play
Fitur : - Didesain dalam bentuk cute dan disukai anak-anak - Terbuat dari bahan berkualitas dan nyaman saat disentuh si kecil - Dilengkapi dengan sabuk pengaman untuk mencegah bayi jatuh ke bawah - Dapat menahan beban berat anak hingga 30kg - dual fungsi bisa jd kursi duduk jg
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Coby Haus Lolly Gummy Rocking Chair Ride On 3in1Coby Haus Lolly Gummy Rocking Chair Ride On 3in1Coby Haus Lolly Gummy Rocking Chair Ride On 3in1