Detail Clearzal foot spray menghilangkan jamur bau bakteri pada kaki / sepatu
Foot Spray with Tea Tree Oil and Antimicrobial Ingredient the eliminates Fungus and Bacteria that sprays upside down for easy application on the feet by ClearZal.
Kills 99% of the fungus and bacteria which may cause fungal/bacterial foot infections. Suitable for use on feet and in shoes and socks. May help prevent skin conditions caused by microbes such as Athlete’s Foot. Formulated with naturally antiseptic, deodorizing and healing Tea Tree Oil.
Use daily at home, leisure center, shower areas. May help to prevent skin conditions caused by microbes such as Athlete’s Foot.
Formulated with natural antiseptic, deodorizing and healing Tea Tree Oil. Suitable for daily use on feet, in shoes and socks to kill the Foot Microbes that threaten foot health. The sprayer works upside down for easy use on the feet.
DIRECTIONS Spray each foot on the top, bottom and between toes once daily. Spray inside shoes prior to putting them on and after removing. Sprayer works upside down for easy use.
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Clearzal foot spray menghilangkan jamur bau bakteri pada kaki / sepatuClearzal foot spray menghilangkan jamur bau bakteri pada kaki / sepatuClearzal foot spray menghilangkan jamur bau bakteri pada kaki / sepatuClearzal foot spray menghilangkan jamur bau bakteri pada kaki / sepatu