Detail CJMCU-230 Bus Transceiver SN65HVD230 CAN Communication Module
CJMCU-230 Bus Transceiver SN65HVD230 CAN Communication Module
SN65HVD230 can be used under high interference environment._x000D_
The device has the ability to send and receive good at different rates,_x000D_
and its main features are as follows:_x000D_
Fully compatible with ISO11898 standard;_x000D_
High input impedance, allowing 120 nodes;_x000D_
Low current standby mode, the typical current of 370A;_x000D_
Signal transfer rate up to 1Mb / s;_x000D_
Thermal protection, open circuit failure protection function;_x000D_
With anti-instantaneous interference protection bus;_x000D_
Slope control, reduce radio frequency interference (RFI);_x000D_
Differential receiver with a wide range of anti-common-mode interference,_x000D_
electromagnetic interference (EMI) capabilities._x000D_
Operating modes and control logic_x000D_
SN65HVD230 high speed, slope and wait three different modes of operation._x000D_
Its working mode control can be achieved by the control pin Rs._x000D_
Figure 2 is a SN65HVD230 CAN bus system in a typical application diagram._x000D_
Can be seen from the figure, CAN controller is connected_x000D_
to the output pin Tx SN65HVD230 data input terminal D,_x000D_
this data can be transferred to the CAN node sends CAN network;_x000D_
CAN controller and receive pins of Rx and SN65HVD230 R is connected to_x000D_
the data output terminal, for receiving data._x000D_
Select the port Rs SN65HVD230 way via jumpers and end of_x000D_
the ground slope resistor can be achieved through hardware_x000D_
mode select three modes of operation, in which_x000D_
the slope is 0 ~ 100k resistor potentiometer
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CJMCU-230 Bus Transceiver SN65HVD230 CAN Communication Module