CH340 NodeMcu V3 Lua 32MB Flash Memory Wifi Development Board ESP8266 Deskripsi NodeMCU ch340 32MB IOT esp8266 LUA Arduino This NodeMCU ESP8266 WiFi Module features 4MB + 32MB Flash Memory, CH340 USB Chip, and comes with the Lua Script Firmware.
It is Open-source, Interactive, Programmable, Low cost, Simple, Smart, WiFi enabled.
We added extra 32MB Flash Memory for bigger projects, and the CH340G USB Chip for best compatibility with Windows, Mac OS and Linux computers.
Supply voltage: 4 to 9V to pin VIN, or 5V USB Can be programmed using Arduino IDE Event-driven API for network applications 10 GPIOs, PWM functionality, I2C and SPI communication 1-Wire and 1 ADC all in one board 80MHz clock speed, 10 times faster than Atmel Atmega328 WiFi networking (access point, client or webserver) Fits every Internet Of Things project!