Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser For All Skin Types - 16 Oz - Soothes and softens as it cleanses, helping the skin retain needed moisture. - Cetaphil gentle skin cleanser for all skin types Formulated for dermatologists as a gentle, non-irritating cleanser for even the most sensitive skin. Unlike soap, Cetaphil is completely non-alkaline, non-comedogenic, and fragrance free. Soothes and softens as it cleanses, helping the skin retain needed moisture. Use for face, hands, and the entire body. Also an excellent cleanser for the delicate skin of babies.
Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser for All Skin Types. Every age. Every stage. Every day. Mild, non-irritating formula. This gentle, soap-free cleanser was originally formulated for dermatologists, specifically for everyday cleansing of even the most sensitive skin. Soothing, non-irritating cleanser ideal for face, hands and body. Helps skin retain needed moisture. Rinses easily and leaves skin feeling soft, smooth and healthy. Mild enough to cleanse a baby's delicate skin. Skin Care Concern: Dryness
DIRECTIONS: Directions for use without water: Apply a liberal amount of cleanser to the skin and rub gently. Remove excess with a soft cloth, leaving a thin film on the skin.
Directions for use with water: Apply cleanser to the skin and rub gently.
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