Detail Centimatter - Jasmina Gamis Long Dress White
Video perkenalan produk Centimatter - Jasmina Gamis Long Dress White. Sumber: Shopee.
Jasmina Long Dress
Being an elegant and classy with Jasmina Long Dress
Modern Gamis ini terbuat dari bahan Silky Chiffon Bordir Bahannya jatuh, glossy, dan motif bordir timbul Cocok untuk kamu yg perlu outfit di hari spesial
Tersedia dengan 3 warna pastel Broken white, baby pink, dan sage
Dilengkapi dengan detail Cape di bagian depan yg cantik hingga ke bagian belakang dan terdapat tali yg bisa kamu adjust di bagian pinggang
So dear, produk ini limited edition ya, tidak di restock lagi jika barang habis Yuk buruan di checkout 🤍
All Size Ld : 110cm L. pinggang : 104cm P. Baju : 140cm P. Tangan : 55cm
—In English—
Jasmina Long Dress
Being an elegant and classy with Jasmina Long Dress
Modern This robe is made of Silky Chiffon Embroidery
The material is drop, glossy, and the embroidery motif is embossed Suitable for those of you who need an outfit on a special day
Available in 3 pastel colors Broken white, baby pink and sage
Equipped with a beautiful Cape detail on the front to the back And there is a strap that you can adjust at the waist
So dear, this product is a limited edition, it won't be restocked again if the item runs out Let's hurry at checkout 🤍
All Size Chest : 110cm Length : 140cm waist : 104cm Hand : 55cm
Gambar produk
Centimatter - Jasmina Gamis Long Dress WhiteCentimatter - Jasmina Gamis Long Dress WhiteCentimatter - Jasmina Gamis Long Dress WhiteCentimatter - Jasmina Gamis Long Dress WhiteCentimatter - Jasmina Gamis Long Dress WhiteCentimatter - Jasmina Gamis Long Dress White