Detail Cemilan Keripik Akar Teratai Snack Lotus Root Snek Diet Enak Sehat
Snack baru dari Nature Concept, keripik akar teratai (Lotus Root) dengan perpaduan asin, manis, pedas, wijen dan rumput laut, menjadikan perfect snack untuk menemani anda di manapun dan kapan pun. Dengan resealable pouch, cocok untuk dibawa dalam perjalanan dan tidak takut alot.
Informasi Produk : Berat bersih 80 gram Asal Produk : China Packaging : original packaging, vacuum sealed. Expired date : 360 hari dari tanggal produksi yang tertera di label produk (dijamin produk paling baru) Jadi tanggal yg ada di produk bukan tanggal expired ya..
Lotus root has sedative effect, which can greatly help for related elderly. Related to the mental, lotus seed is useful to improve brain function and memory, also prevent the senile dementia happen. 1. Anti-aging property Lotus seed is contains the enzyme of anti-aging, which is L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase. This enzyme helps to repair crushed proteins. That’s why, many cosmetic products are including the seeds in anti-aging properties. 2. Prevent inflammation Studies said that lotus seeds containing kaempferol. This natural flavonoid has function to prevent inflammation and help to fix aging tissue. 3. Benefit to kidney Lotus seed has astringent formula that has benefit to the kidneys, and help to return vital energy. 4. Heal diarrhea According to Chinese medicine, the sweet taste of lotus seeds benefit to nourish the spleen and diarrhea. 5. Treat insomnia The seeds are claim have calming properties, and are useful to treat restlessness or insomnia. 6. Reducing blood pressure The embryo which can found inside of the lotus seed, have benefits to the heart because of its bitter and cooling properties. 7. Treat urinary problem 8. Heal sexual problem 9. Calming effect 10. Relieve pathogenic heat 11. Gum tissue 12. Reduce heart diseases 13. Weight loss 14. Healing skin conditions 15. Reduce flaky skin
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Cemilan Keripik Akar Teratai Snack Lotus Root Snek Diet Enak SehatCemilan Keripik Akar Teratai Snack Lotus Root Snek Diet Enak SehatCemilan Keripik Akar Teratai Snack Lotus Root Snek Diet Enak SehatCemilan Keripik Akar Teratai Snack Lotus Root Snek Diet Enak Sehat