CELESTRON Ultima 100 - 100mm Spotting Scope - Teleskop Pengamatan
Specification Brand: CELESTRON Product Name: Ultima 100 Product Model: 52252 Aperture: 100mm Focal Length: 540mm Magnification: 22-66x Angular Field of View (FOV): 95@22x, 53@66x Eye Relief (mm): 18@22x Near Focus: 33ft.@22x Coating: Multi-Coated
Main Features: - ULTIMA ANGLE SPOTTING SCOPE: Great all-around spotting scope with a 100mm objective lens and a 45-degree viewing angle. Perfect for observing nature and long-distance viewing - MULTI-COATED OPTICS: Every lens surface is coated multiple times with anti-reflective coatings to improve color and contrast, while maximizing brightness, so you can enjoy brighter and sharper images, even when ambient lighting conditions are dim - SHARP ZOOM EYEPIECE FUNCTION: Ultima's large focus dial allows you to bring your subject into razor-sharp focus before it moves away. The included zoom eyepiece helps you zero in for detailed views of distant subject in seconds
ULTIMA 100 ini sangat cocok untuk pengamatan outdoor, seperti flora dan fauna, alam dan lain sebagainya. Melihat dengan pembesaran antara 22 hingga 66x, dan dengan sudut 45 derajat.
Semua bagian lensanya menggunakan material BaK4 Fully Coated sehingga menghasilkan kualitas gambar yang lebih jernih dan jelas walau dalam keadaan minim cahaya.
Kelebihan lainnya adalah ULTIMA 100 ini sudah Waterproof (tahan air) dan tidak perlu kuatir lensa berembun karena juga Fog-proof (anti kabut dan embun). Bahkan untuk Fog-proof, teleskop ini juga ditambahkan dengan Dry Nitrogen dan sangat rapat untuk mencegah terjadinya embun di dalam lensa.
Isi dalam kemasan 1x CELESTRON ULTIMA 100 1x Extend Plate 1x Zoom Eyepiece with Integrated T-Adapter 1x Eyepiece Lens Cap 1x Eyepiece Port Cover 1x Eyepiece Carrying Case 1x Eyepiece Pouch 1x Lens Cloth 1x Storage Bag 1x User Manual
Panjang Teleskop: 48.2 cm (2.04 kg) Dimensi kemasan: 57 x 18 x 20 cm (3 kg) - 3.6 kg jika mengikuti perhitungan volume
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CELESTRON Ultima 100 - 100mm Spotting Scope - Teleskop PengamatanCELESTRON Ultima 100 - 100mm Spotting Scope - Teleskop PengamatanCELESTRON Ultima 100 - 100mm Spotting Scope - Teleskop PengamatanCELESTRON Ultima 100 - 100mm Spotting Scope - Teleskop PengamatanCELESTRON Ultima 100 - 100mm Spotting Scope - Teleskop PengamatanCELESTRON Ultima 100 - 100mm Spotting Scope - Teleskop PengamatanCELESTRON Ultima 100 - 100mm Spotting Scope - Teleskop PengamatanCELESTRON Ultima 100 - 100mm Spotting Scope - Teleskop Pengamatan