CD4051 Key Features Wide range of digital and analog signal levels: digital 3 – 15V, analog to 15Vp-p Low “ON” resistance: 80Ω (typ.) over entire 15Vp-p signal-input range for VDD − VEE = 15V High “OFF” resistance: channel leakage of ±10 pA (typ.) at VDD − VEE = 10V Logic level conversion for digital addressing signals of 3 – 15V (VDD − VSS = 3 – 15V) to switch analog signals to 15 Vp-p (VDD − VEE = 15V) Matched switch characteristics: ∆RON = 5Ω (typ.) for VDD − VEE = 15V Very low quiescent power dissipation under all digital-control input and supply conditions: 1 µ W (typ.) at VDD − VSS = VDD − VEE = 10V Binary address decoding on chip
Application Analog and Digital Multiplexing and Demultiplexing A/D and D/A Conversion Signal Gating Factory Automation Televisions Appliances Consumer Audio Programmable Logic Circuits Sensors