Detail Catokan Keriting Motif Kartun ANIMAL Lucu / Catok Kriting Karakter Hewan Imut / Cute Hair Straightener / Animal Hair Curler / Catokan Karakter Hewan
Catok Rambut Lucu Bermotif Animal, bisa untuk Lurus / Keriting (lebih cocok untuk keriting)
Cocok untuk jenis rambut apapun Cocok dibawa kemanapun / travelling
WADAH BOX MIKA : sekitar 7 X 4 X 24 CM (box tidak selalu sama dengan foto produk, tetapi produk di dalamnya tetap sama)
- Listrik 22W 220V - Suhu bisa mencapai 180 derajat celcius - Panjang produk kurang lebih 17,5 cm - Panjang kabel kurang lebih 110 cm - Dibungkus dengan box plastik mika bening tebal - Ujung Kabel butuh extra colokan T - Berat : 200 gram
Specs : - The indicator light shows the working status. - Rapid heating. - One-key design, convenient and fast. - Streamline design, ergonomic. - The setting speed is fast, and the shape is quickly made - The pure ceramic coating heats up evenly, the temperature is balanced, and does not hurt the hair - Self-use and other use, simple and easy - Tourmaline emits negative ions to neutralize the static electricity on the hair, making the hair shiny
Instructions for use : 1. Insert the plug into the 220V power socket before use, press the switch for two seconds, and when the indicator light is on, the curling iron starts to work. 2. After preheating for 2-3 minutes, the set temperature is reached and can be used. 3. The electric splint/hair iron is equipped with an intelligent electronic temperature control system, which can safely and effectively adjust the temperature of the heating plate. After reaching a certain temperature, the adjustment system will automatically close the heating circuit. So, Overheating will not occur.
Import, Ready Stock.
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