Castle - Cutie Spoon Set Mothers Corn - Sendok Makan Bayi - Sendok Minum Obat Bayi

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Detail Castle - Cutie Spoon Set Mothers Corn - Sendok Makan Bayi - Sendok Minum Obat Bayi

- Made form corn, Good, Green & Safe.
- Comes in 3 pieces as spare.
- Perfect size for toddler's hand!
- Do not microwave or sterilized this product, if you wish to sterilized rise with hot water

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Castle - Cutie Spoon Set Mothers Corn - Sendok Makan Bayi - Sendok Minum Obat Bayi
Castle - Cutie Spoon Set Mothers Corn - Sendok Makan Bayi - Sendok Minum Obat Bayi
Castle - Cutie Spoon Set Mothers Corn - Sendok Makan Bayi - Sendok Minum Obat Bayi
Castle - Cutie Spoon Set Mothers Corn - Sendok Makan Bayi - Sendok Minum Obat Bayi
Castle - Cutie Spoon Set Mothers Corn - Sendok Makan Bayi - Sendok Minum Obat Bayi
Castle - Cutie Spoon Set Mothers Corn - Sendok Makan Bayi - Sendok Minum Obat Bayi