Detail Case Ipad 7 Ipad 8 Ipad 9 10.2 inch 7 th gen 2019 Smartcase cover casing
Bisa dipakai untuk - Ipad 7 - Ipad 8 - Ipad 9
Kualitas Oem Autolock full-leather case Smartcase * design perfectly for your satisfaction * built with autolock and autosleep-wake functions working ! * full protection premium leather smartcase for your iPad
* Autolock / auto on- off ( sleepwake ) * Standing Case support * full protection smartcase for your IPAD
Bahan Luar: Leather (Kulit) Sintetis Bahan dalam : Beludru
Warna *Hitam *Pink *Navy *Merah *Coklat Muda *Army *Abu-abu
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Case Ipad 7 Ipad 8 Ipad 9 10.2 inch 7 th gen 2019 Smartcase cover casingCase Ipad 7 Ipad 8 Ipad 9 10.2 inch 7 th gen 2019 Smartcase cover casing