Detail Case Gopro 9 Go Pro 10 Housing case Waterproof - Original
untuk HERO 9 DAN HERO 10
Key Features 196' Waterproof Housing Protects from Dirt / Debris on Dry Land
In the Box GoPro Protective Housing for HERO9 Black
GoPro ADDIV-001 Overview While the GoPro HERO9 Black camera is already waterproof as is, this waterproof Protective Housing allows you to use it in deep-water depths down to 196'. It also protects the camera from dirt and flying debris when used on dry land.
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Case Gopro 9 Go Pro 10 Housing case Waterproof - OriginalCase Gopro 9 Go Pro 10 Housing case Waterproof - OriginalCase Gopro 9 Go Pro 10 Housing case Waterproof - OriginalCase Gopro 9 Go Pro 10 Housing case Waterproof - OriginalCase Gopro 9 Go Pro 10 Housing case Waterproof - Original