Detail Carabiner Petzl Vulcan Screwlock Murah for safety climbing rescue
VULCAN adalah carabiner baja berkekuatan tinggi yang dirancang untuk digunakan di lingkungan yang sulit. Bentuk asimetris berkapasitas besar sangat ideal untuk mengatur banyak jangkar. Carabiner VULCAN tersedia dalam dua sistem penguncian: sistem TRIACT-LOCK otomatis atau sistem SCREW-LOCK manual. VULCAN TRIACT-LOCK tersedia dalam versi Eropa atau internasional. VULCAN dapat dihubungkan ke bilah CAPTIV untuk mendukung posisi carabiner di sepanjang sumbu utama, untuk membatasi risiko membalik dan menjaganya tetap terintegrasi dengan perangkat.
Description : * High-strength steel carabiner for use in harsh environments, particularly suitable for setting up multiple anchors * Easier handling: - fluid interior design limits the risk of having a catch point and facilitates rotation of the carabiner - Keylock system to avoid any involuntary snagging of the carabiner - may be used with a CAPTIV positioning bar to favor loading of the carabiner along the major axis, to keep it integrated with the device, and to limit the risk of it flipping * H cross-section: - ensures an optimal strength/weight ratio - protects markings from abrasion * Two locking systems available: - TRIACT-LOCK: automatic locking with triple-action gate opening - SCREW-LOCK: the manual screw-lock with red band provides a visual warning when the carabiner is unlocked