Food & Beverages > Alcoholic Beverages > Liquor & Spirits > Captain Morgan White Rum 750ml
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Detail Captain Morgan White Rum 750ml

Our Captain Morgan White Rum. It takes serious crafting to make a white rum this delicious. Distilled to make our white rum so smooth, so delicious, so subtly sweet, it’ll make your mouth water just reading about it. See what we mean?

Captain Morgan White Rum is smooth, delicious and subtly sweet
Endlessly versatile, it’s slightly sweet and crisp notes are perfect for any mixed drink, or cocktail - if you’re feeling fancy.

BPOM : MD 169622014056

Gambar produk

Captain Morgan White Rum 750ml
Captain Morgan White Rum 750ml
Captain Morgan White Rum 750ml
Captain Morgan White Rum 750ml
Captain Morgan White Rum 750ml
Captain Morgan White Rum 750ml
Captain Morgan White Rum 750ml
Captain Morgan White Rum 750ml

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