Canson® Montval® watercolour paper has a great erasability. The essential key for this high quality watercolour paper is this ability to easily make corrections. This paper allows corrections even using a simple brush stoke. Canson® Montval® was designed by the famous painter Gaspard Maillol in the early 20th century and made on a Foundrinier machine. Canson® Montval® is "THE" paper when it comes to watercolour, however it can also be used with other wet techniques such as gouache or acrylic. This beautiful cold pressed surface allows for multiple reliefs and effects. Delicate shade, cold pressed, snowy grain, numerous qualities make this paper a classic "Must Have" among the Canson® family of products.
Keterangan: - Ketebalan 200 gsm - Isi 10 lembar - Bisa menggunakan cat air, acrylic dan gouache - Size: A6
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