Detail Candy Jewelry Fashion Simple Pearl Necklace Geometric Circle Round Korean Necklaces for Women And Girls
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✨Nama komoditas: Kalung ✨Bahan: Paduan + mutiara buatan ✨Jenis Kelamin: Wanita ✨Gaya: Fashion: Fashion ✨Warna: Seperti Yang Ditunjukkan ✨Seperti yang Ditunjukkan ✨Kesempatan yang berlaku: pesta, klub, pernikahan, harian, pertunangan, ulang tahun, hadiah, dll.
💕Isi paket: 1 pcs
📣📣Catatan: Catatan: Catatan: Catatan: 👉Karena pengukuran manual, perkenankan kesalahan 1-3 cm. 👉Karena perbedaan monitor yang berbeda, gambar mungkin tidak mencerminkan warna sebenarnya dari item tersebut. 👉Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menggunakan "Obrolan Obrolan" untuk menghubungi kami, kami akan membalas sesegera mungkin.
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Candy Jewelry Fashion Simple Pearl Necklace Geometric Circle Round Korean Necklaces for Women And GirlsCandy Jewelry Fashion Simple Pearl Necklace Geometric Circle Round Korean Necklaces for Women And GirlsCandy Jewelry Fashion Simple Pearl Necklace Geometric Circle Round Korean Necklaces for Women And GirlsCandy Jewelry Fashion Simple Pearl Necklace Geometric Circle Round Korean Necklaces for Women And GirlsCandy Jewelry Fashion Simple Pearl Necklace Geometric Circle Round Korean Necklaces for Women And GirlsCandy Jewelry Fashion Simple Pearl Necklace Geometric Circle Round Korean Necklaces for Women And GirlsCandy Jewelry Fashion Simple Pearl Necklace Geometric Circle Round Korean Necklaces for Women And GirlsCandy Jewelry Fashion Simple Pearl Necklace Geometric Circle Round Korean Necklaces for Women And GirlsCandy Jewelry Fashion Simple Pearl Necklace Geometric Circle Round Korean Necklaces for Women And Girls