Detail Camo Watch Strap Eggel Tempo 3 Style (Bulat) - Tali Jam Tangan 22mm Army Camoflauge
Camo Watch Strap Eggel Tempo 3 Style (Bulat) - Tali Jam Tangan 22mm Army Camoflauge
- Package: 1x Strap, TIDAK TERMASUK JAMNYA - Salah order tidak bisa tukar/retur/komplain/refund, please smart, terima kasih - TANPA PERLU TANYA STOCK, kami update stock setiap hari, selama varian dapat di klik artinya ready ya kak, varian yang habis selalu kami off
Material:Silicone Rubber Band comes with Samsung Watch Lugs on both ends, which locks onto Samsung Watch Band Interface Interchangeable tracker so you can change colors to match your mood and wearing;precisely and securely. Easy and direct installation and one button removal.