Cable power cord to c13 proff tech 5m 3x1.25mm for psu cpu pc monitor rice cooker - Kabel power supply profftech 5 meter
Cable power cord to c13 proff tech 5m 3x1.25mm for psu cpu pc monitor rice cooker - Kabel power supply profftech 5 meter
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Komputer & Aksesoris > Komputer & Aksesoris Lainnya > Cable power cord to c13 proff tech 5m 3x1.25mm for psu cpu pc monitor rice cooker - Kabel power supply profftech 5 meter
Detail Cable power cord to c13 proff tech 5m 3x1.25mm for psu cpu pc monitor rice cooker - Kabel power supply profftech 5 meter
Kabel power CPU Profftech Original telah diakui pemakai sebagai kabel yang paling tebal, tahan lama, dan terbaik di kelasnya. Kabel power CPU Profftech Original di proteksi dengan garansi nasional pemakaian 1 tahun.
* Panjang 5 Meter
* Support up to * 250 V* (Ketebalan Kabel 1.25 x 3 kabel) volt x amper = watt 250 x 10 = 2.500 watt High Quality Power Cable for CPU / PC Computer power supply
* COMPATIBEL CPU, PSU, UPS, RICE COOKER, Semua perangkat dengan bentuk output yang sama dengan gambar.
* Specification: - Thickness : 3x1.25mm - Length : 5 meter - Jack : EU - C13
* Package Content : 1x Kabel Power CPU High Quality 5 meter
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Cable power cord to c13 proff tech 5m 3x1.25mm for psu cpu pc monitor rice cooker - Kabel power supply profftech 5 meterCable power cord to c13 proff tech 5m 3x1.25mm for psu cpu pc monitor rice cooker - Kabel power supply profftech 5 meterCable power cord to c13 proff tech 5m 3x1.25mm for psu cpu pc monitor rice cooker - Kabel power supply profftech 5 meter