Features: Cable accessory Works for iphone lightning cables or comparable cable Adorable and cute animals are here to protect your cable!! Prevents cable from disconnect Not only these animals will make a pretty combination, these are excellent in preventing the outer part of lighning cable which usually easliy broken while disconnecting the cable Specifications: Materials : Plastic Weight : 10 g
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Untuk paket serian hanya bisa pilih seri A atau seri B (langsung dpt sesuai gambar) tdk bs request/tukar dgn tipe lain. Misal paket Serian A berarti dapat 6 pcs @ untuk tipe A,B,C,D,E,F dan paket serian B berarti dapat 6pcs @ untuk tipe G,H,I,J,K,L (TIDAK BISA TUKAR!)
Jika order pAket bundling/pake serian tapi tidak klik sesuai jumlah yang benAr pesanan tidak akan diproses