Ready Breathe Right Product from USA Breathe right USA 1kotak isi 30strip ya, ready varian:
✓ Breath Right Sensitive skin--(clear strip) ✓ Breathe Right Original (Normal skin)--(Tan Strip)
✓Berfungsi untuk melegakan hidung tersumbat dan memperlancar pernafasan. ✓Dapat digunakan ketika terserang flu, alergi pernafasan, tulang hidung bengkok, dsb. ✓Meningkatkan kualitas tidur secara signifikan.
They seem simple, but Breathe Right Nasal Strips have unique engineering that make them an effective tool for managing night time congestion and improving sleep.
Nasal strips are made of flexible, spring-like bands that fit right above the flare of the nostrils. The underside is adhesive so that once positioned on the nose, they stay there. As the bands attempt to straighten back to their original shape, they lift the sides of the nose and open the nasal passages.
This lifting action helps open inflamed sinus passages and makes it easier to breath. Nose strips provide relief for congestion due to colds, allergies, or a deviated septum and reduce snoring caused by nighttime nasal congestion.
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Breathe Right Nasal Strips Plester HidungBreathe Right Nasal Strips Plester HidungBreathe Right Nasal Strips Plester HidungBreathe Right Nasal Strips Plester HidungBreathe Right Nasal Strips Plester Hidung