Detail Bracket Penyangga Masker Wajah Waterproof Bahan Breathable
Mask Support Frame Effectively Prevent Stuffiness Washable Reusable Bracket Waterproof Breathable Face Mask Inner Stents
3D Mask Stand can help your breathe when you are wearing a mask in sport Our mask bracket will help a lot on improving it by creating more breathing space because the bracket can hold up the mask fabric around the mouth The bracket reduces the friction frequency between mask and face to protect the lining from getting stained It makes the mask not to stick lipstick, protecting your perfect makeup from being messed up Glasses are not foggy, keeping the internal hygiene of the mask Suitable for people working with masks for a long time, reducing the discomfort of wearing masks You will feel cool and easy to breathe even though with a mask on face
Function : Increase Breathing Space To prevent Stuffiness Color : transparant Folding Method : Not Foldable Nose clip : Yes Weight : 7 g Range of use : Mask Inner Pad Inner support Series : Mask Auxiliary Series Material : PP Filter effect : none Mask style : inner support Protection level : improve comfort
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Gambar produk
Bracket Penyangga Masker Wajah Waterproof Bahan BreathableBracket Penyangga Masker Wajah Waterproof Bahan BreathableBracket Penyangga Masker Wajah Waterproof Bahan BreathableBracket Penyangga Masker Wajah Waterproof Bahan BreathableBracket Penyangga Masker Wajah Waterproof Bahan Breathable