botol PUTIH 250ml glossy GOLD KECIL . bottle aesthetic refillable bottle minimalist organizer tempat sabun cair pump estetik
botol PUTIH 250ml glossy GOLD KECIL . bottle aesthetic refillable bottle minimalist organizer tempat sabun cair pump estetik
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Tas Wanita > Koper & Tas Travel > Botol & Wadah Isi Ulang > botol PUTIH 250ml glossy GOLD KECIL . bottle aesthetic refillable bottle minimalist organizer tempat sabun cair pump estetik
Detail botol PUTIH 250ml glossy GOLD KECIL . bottle aesthetic refillable bottle minimalist organizer tempat sabun cair pump estetik
terbaru!! tutup/ pump warna gold dengan stiker yg nempel di botol cm tulisan nya saja. bukan stiker transparan !! jadi pasti lebih awet poll 😁 / with a sticker attached to the bottle only the writing. not transparent sticker
untuk ketahanan dengan air aman tidak akan terkelupas / waterproff sticker
📌 More info : Tinggi / Height = 15.5 (without pump/tanpa pump) + 4.5 (with pump) Diameter 5cm all item is plastic material. please add cardboard for the package to make it more secure. we have link for cardboard (Tambah kardus)
Gambar produk
botol PUTIH 250ml glossy GOLD KECIL . bottle aesthetic refillable bottle minimalist organizer tempat sabun cair pump estetikbotol PUTIH 250ml glossy GOLD KECIL . bottle aesthetic refillable bottle minimalist organizer tempat sabun cair pump estetikbotol PUTIH 250ml glossy GOLD KECIL . bottle aesthetic refillable bottle minimalist organizer tempat sabun cair pump estetikbotol PUTIH 250ml glossy GOLD KECIL . bottle aesthetic refillable bottle minimalist organizer tempat sabun cair pump estetikbotol PUTIH 250ml glossy GOLD KECIL . bottle aesthetic refillable bottle minimalist organizer tempat sabun cair pump estetikbotol PUTIH 250ml glossy GOLD KECIL . bottle aesthetic refillable bottle minimalist organizer tempat sabun cair pump estetik