Detail BOTOL BENING TRAVEL SIZE 100ml GOLD / SILVER NEW LUXURY. aesthetic bottle refill tempat sabun cair pump estetik
Travel size 100ml
semua bisa dilock/dikunci / all bottles can be rotated to lock mempermudah dibawa kemana2 tidak akan terpencet sendiri karna ada penyangganya / easy to carry and not easy to squeeze because there is a key holder
📌 More info : Tinggi/Height 12cm (without pump) + 4cm (with pump) diameter 3.5cm please add cardboard for the package to make it safer
Wajib Baca / Must Read : - Yang tdk ada di pilihan label bisa msk PO (2-3hari) / those that are not in the selection/costum please enter preorder (2-3days) We have link for costum/PO - Maks 2kata / Maks 2 word
Untuk Req varian bisa ditulis di note ya / Pls Variant label can be written in the note.
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BOTOL BENING TRAVEL SIZE 100ml GOLD / SILVER NEW LUXURY. aesthetic bottle refill tempat sabun cair pump estetikBOTOL BENING TRAVEL SIZE 100ml GOLD / SILVER NEW LUXURY. aesthetic bottle refill tempat sabun cair pump estetikBOTOL BENING TRAVEL SIZE 100ml GOLD / SILVER NEW LUXURY. aesthetic bottle refill tempat sabun cair pump estetikBOTOL BENING TRAVEL SIZE 100ml GOLD / SILVER NEW LUXURY. aesthetic bottle refill tempat sabun cair pump estetikBOTOL BENING TRAVEL SIZE 100ml GOLD / SILVER NEW LUXURY. aesthetic bottle refill tempat sabun cair pump estetik