Forget that mad dash to save their teether from the germ-covered pavement. GNAW keeps the gnarly stuff out of your kid's mouth by keeping snacks and teethers within their grasp. How does GNAW do that? We use the same technology as those Chinese finger traps you used to play with.
-Keep snacks and teethers off the floor and within baby's reach -Easy-to-use, one-handed clip attaches to all fabrics -Recommended age: 6m -BpA-free, Phthalate-free and PVC-free -Dimensions: 14.6" x 1.12" x .8" -base and scoop with warm water and mild soap.
*Mohon untuk mengkonfirmasi dulu ketersediaan barang, warna, variasi dan size barang yang ingin dipesan agar tidak terjadi pembelian barang yang out of stock jika warna yang dipilih tidak ada, kami akan mengirimkan warna secara random setuju = membeli
Gambar produk
Boon Gnaw Multi Purpose TeetherBoon Gnaw Multi Purpose TeetherBoon Gnaw Multi Purpose TeetherBoon Gnaw Multi Purpose Teether