Detail (Book Size B5) Marvel Studios The Marvel Cinematic Universe by Anthony Breznican (English Version)
Become a master of the Marvel Cinematic Universe! The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is vast, incredibly varied, and richly complex. Different worlds, different timelines, countless characters. This is the guide to that universe. Created in close collaboration with Marvel Studios, it will frame the MCU's biggest events: what happened, when, and where. Follow the entire story of the MCU from before the Big Bang to the Blip and beyond. Along the way, learn more about the evolution of the Iron Man armors, the hunt for the Infinity Stones, and the formation of The Multiverse. Want to know how many times aliens have invaded Earth, or the complete history of Cap's shield? Look no further! A treasured keepsake for any movie buff, filled with exclusive infographics, illuminating timelines, and amazing movie stills, this book will have pride of place on any MCU fan's shelf.
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Language : English Product Dimensions : B5 Format : Paperback Paper Material Bookpaper Cream Premium 70 gr. Condition : Reprint from Original Book. Note: Cover warna, isi hitam putih, kertas Bookpaper / Novel
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(Book Size B5) Marvel Studios The Marvel Cinematic Universe by Anthony Breznican (English Version)(Book Size B5) Marvel Studios The Marvel Cinematic Universe by Anthony Breznican (English Version)(Book Size B5) Marvel Studios The Marvel Cinematic Universe by Anthony Breznican (English Version)(Book Size B5) Marvel Studios The Marvel Cinematic Universe by Anthony Breznican (English Version)(Book Size B5) Marvel Studios The Marvel Cinematic Universe by Anthony Breznican (English Version)