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Mohon Tanyakan Stock terlebih dahulu sebelum Melakukan Order !! Untuk menghindari Penolakan Order, Mohon Tanyakan Stock terlebih dahulu sebelum Melakukan Order !!
Item : Forklift Fork Sleeves 5 Ton Suitable for : Forklift 5 Ton LC 600mm - 1070x125x45 mm
Features : - Structure : Surrounded fork sleeve - Material : Polyisocyanurate Foam (PIR) synthetic material - Durability: 3 times that of rubber material - Adapt to -196 ° C ~ +120 ° C - Oil resistant, oil resistant, tear resistant - Applicable to tunnel cement pipe fittings, bridges, steel and aluminum pipes - protecting products from being scratched, and the paint surface is not worn - Full protection - High technology - High safety - Excellent high temperature resistence - High quality material
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