- Rough Grain - 12 lembar - 300 gsm - 100% pulp kimia - Bebas asam - Short Grain - 89% putih TAPPI - Cocok untuk Cat Air, Akrilik, Gouache, Pastel, Pulpen & Tinta, Pensil, Arang - 3 jenis penjilidan : Spiral, Pad (lem 1 sisi panjang), dan Block (lem 4 sisi)
Bockingford® adalah kertas cat air Inggris yang indah, dibuat secara tradisional dengan mesin cetakan silinder di St Cuthberts Mill. Kertas berkualitas tinggi yang dibuat dengan menggunakan bahan murni sesuai standar kearsipan.
Permukaannya yang menarik dibuat menggunakan kempa wol alami yang memberikan tekstur acak yang khas. Disukai karena kemampuannya mengangkat warna yang luar biasa. Ini adalah kertas cat air yang banyak dipakai oleh seniman profesional dan amatir di seluruh dunia. ----------------------- Bockingford® Watercolour Paper Bockingford® is a beautiful English watercolour paper, traditionally made on a cylinder mould machine at St Cuthberts Mill. This is a high quality paper made using pure materials to archival standards. Its attractive surface is created using natural woollen felts that give it a distinctive random texture. Appreciated for its excellent colour lifting abilities. This is an extremely forgiving watercolour paper valued by professional and amateur artists around the world. Bockingford® offers quality watercolour paper at an affordable price.
Manufacture: Cylinder mould made Ingredients: 100% woodfree bleached chemical pulp Longevity: Acid free & archival, Calcium carbonate buffered pH 7-9 Characteristics: Internally sized, 4 cut edges, Natural woollen felt textured Grain Direction: Short Grain Shade (White): 89% TAPPI Whiteness value, No OBAs (Optical brightening agents), Highly lightfast (minimum 6+ on Blue Wool Scale) Binding: Spirals - wiro bound on short edge Pads – glued one side on long edge Blocks - glued on 4 sides Suitable for: Watercolour, Acrylic, Gouache, Pastel, Pen & Ink, Pencil, Charcoal