INITIAL BOBA BAG BLACK SIZE. : 23*16*17 MATT. : Premium synthetic leather STRAP. : 100 cm (lapis 2 warna) Zipper + mini pocket coin INNER : Satin
Bisa request nama kita yah Kaka.. sertakan request nama di catatan. Nama tidak ada di catatan kita kirim kan unit polos Contoh request : Boba hitam nama via
pemesanan tanpa request nama kita kirim polos yah kak
Membeli berarti setuju dengan ketentuan toko yah Kaka. Happy shopping
INITIAL BOBA BAG BLACK SIZE. : 23*16*17 MATT. : Premium synthetic leather STRAP. : 100 cm (2 color layer) Zipper + mini pocket coin INNER : Satin
You can request our name, bro.. include the name request in the notes. The name is not in the notes, we will send a plain unit Example requests: black boba name via
Order without requesting a name, we will send it plain, sis
Buying means agreeing to the store's terms, Kaka. Happy shopping