Spesifikasi : Lithium battery protection board properties: ++ Model: HX - 2 s - A2 of charging voltage range: 4.25 + / - 0.05 v to 4.35 v ++ Size: 17.5 x 17.5 x 17.5 mm discharge voltage range: 2.5 + / - 0.05 v to 3.0 v ++ Maximum working current: 5 a working temperature: - 40 - + 50 ℃ ++ Maximum instantaneous current: 7 a storage conditions: - 40 - + 80 ℃ ++ Static electricity: less than 10 ua useful life: more than 50000 hours ++ Resistance: less than 300 m Ohm short circuit protection: to protect and restore must charge ++ Charging voltage: 8.4 V - 9 V
Bagian untuk di solder: B. + connect battery anode; B. - connect battery cathode; MB, connect battery 1 and 2 before the join points; P. + correct answer the charge/discharge (charging/discharging end sharing); P. - answer the charge/discharge end negative (charging/discharging end sharing).