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Mohon Tanyakan Stock terlebih dahulu sebelum Melakukan Order !! Untuk menghindari Penolakan Order, Mohon Tanyakan Stock terlebih dahulu sebelum Melakukan Order !!
Pastikan anda menggunakan RO ( Reverse Osmosis ) Kusatsu agar ukurannya sesuai Diluar RO kusatsu kami tidak bertanggung jawab jika ukurannya tidak sesuai dan barang yang dibeli TIDAK BISA REFUND/TUKAR atas dasar ukuran yang tidak sesuai Membeli berarti Setuju atas ketentuan yang berlaku !
KUSATSU BLOCK CARBON FILTER Model : CTO-20 Size : 20” Micron : 5 microns Material : Activated carbon Features : - Eliminate odor & odor in water so that the water is cleaner - The CTO-20 is a 20” Drop-In cartridge that reduces sediment down to 0.5 micron and reduces chlorine, taste & odor at a flow rate of 3.0 gpm for 30,000 gallons - Improves the quality and consistency of cold and hot beverages. - Reduces maintenance frequency and cost, and extends equipment life. - Gradient-density depth filtration reduces dirt, rust, and other debris as small as 1/2 micron to assure clean, clear water and protect solenoids, valves and other fittings against wear and plugging. - Activated carbon filtration makes water taste great and protects equipment against corrosive chlorine. - High capacity cartridge extends filter system life reducing maintenance frequency. - Generates less waste, only the drop-in cartridge is replaced. No discarding of metal or plastic quick-change filters - Replacement cartridge cost per gallon is much less than proprietary quick-change filters. - Carbon block is mainly comprised of activated carbon granules and a binding agent that allows the carbon granules to maintain a static position relative to each other - Long life filter
Dapatkan produk-produk berkualitas tinggi dengan harga yang ekonomis. Hati-hati barang tiruan, Produk yang asli hanya ada di PT. Indotara Persada