Detail BISA COD | Tali carmantel Statis Beal Contract 10,5 MM 200M
Tali Karmantel Statis Beal Contract 10,5 MM Beal Contract Static Rope 10,5 MM Spesifikasi: - Type of rope A - Diameter 10.5 mm - Static strength 2500 daN (kg) - Strength with figure 8 knot 1750 daN (kg) - Number of factor 1 falls 12 (100kg) - Impact force factor 0.3 5.00 kN - Elongation 50/150Kg 2.9% - Sheath Slippage 0 mm - Weight per meter 66 g - Sheath percentage 39% - Weight of the core 61% - Shrinkage in water 3.3% - Material core Polyamid (PA) - Sheath Material Polyamid (PA)
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BISA COD | Tali carmantel Statis Beal Contract 10,5 MM 200MBISA COD | Tali carmantel Statis Beal Contract 10,5 MM 200M