Detail BIOAQUA Lip Serum Moisturizing 4ml / Pelembab Bibir - APPLE KOSMETIK
BIOAQUA Moisturizing Lip Serum 4ml
BPOM :NA11211300807
-Lip moistening + discoloration
-Get pink and soft lips
Pink lips,Temperature change color,Create pink lips
Deep moisturizing
Brighten lip color,Fade lip lines
Thermal Discoloration
Temperature Change Color
-Enjoy Cherry Red Lips
Just applied: colorless
5 seconds later: turn pink
10 seconds later: pink and tender
Core Ingredients
-Rosa rugosa flower oil
Moisturize and improve dry peeling
-Tocopheryl acetate
Antioxidant and improve dullness
-Ascorbyl palmitate
Antioxidant and brightens lip color
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BIOAQUA Lip Serum Moisturizing 4ml / Pelembab Bibir - APPLE KOSMETIK
BIOAQUA Lip Serum Moisturizing 4ml / Pelembab Bibir - APPLE KOSMETIK
BIOAQUA Lip Serum Moisturizing 4ml / Pelembab Bibir - APPLE KOSMETIK