Bio true bausch+lomb 15 pasang Softlens bening

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Detail Bio true bausch+lomb 15 pasang Softlens bening

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Material: Nesofilcon A (Hydrogel)
1 boxes 30 lenses (15 pairs)
Daily supplies (max 2 dailys)
78% water content, with povidone
Base curve : 8.60 mm
Diameter : 14.20 mm
Color range : clear (tranparant)
Power range : -1.00 to -9.00 (step -0.50d)
Feature: Mudah Adaptasi/Adaptability
No AKL : 21204410024

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Bio true bausch+lomb 15 pasang Softlens bening
Bio true bausch+lomb 15 pasang Softlens bening
Bio true bausch+lomb 15 pasang Softlens bening
Bio true bausch+lomb 15 pasang Softlens bening

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