Detail Billlie- 4th Mini Album the Billage of perception : chapter three (11:11 PM collection)
Unggah: 23/073/077
Tanggal Rilis Rilis 29 Maret, MAR, 29.. 2023
Komponen Komponen ┗ 💽 Billlie- Album Mini ke-4 Billage persepsi: bab tiga (koleksi jam 11:11 PM) 🔎Versi: Koleksi 01:01 AM Ver (Biru) / Koleksi 11:11 AM Ver (PINK) / Koleksi 11:11 PM Ver (HIJAU) 🔎Buku FOTO: 180*250mmmmmm | Kecepatan 76PP 76PP 🔎Cd-r CD-R CD-R. 🔎Poster LYRIC: 297*420mmmmmm 🔎Kertas Gambar: 100*150mmmmmmmm 🔎Kartu FOTO: 55*85mm | 2 OF 144 DARI 14 🔎Foto POLAROID: 55*85mmmmmmmmmmmm | {Y: I} i} 1 OF 300 i 🔎Kartu DOPPLEGANGER: KARTU 55*85mmmm | ???????????? 🔎Sticker: 100*150mmmmmmmm
💖Poster: 420*594mmmmmmmmmm
Gambar produk
Billlie- 4th Mini Album the Billage of perception : chapter three (11:11 PM collection)Billlie- 4th Mini Album the Billage of perception : chapter three (11:11 PM collection)Billlie- 4th Mini Album the Billage of perception : chapter three (11:11 PM collection)Billlie- 4th Mini Album the Billage of perception : chapter three (11:11 PM collection)Billlie- 4th Mini Album the Billage of perception : chapter three (11:11 PM collection)