Cat grass adalah salah satu jenis pet grass yang terkenal. Binatang karnivora seperti anjing atau kucing (mungkin Anda memeliharanya di rumah) biasanya senang memakan rumput, bukan? Wheatgrass cocok ditanam di rumah, selain karena mudah tumbuh (bahkan dalam pot kecil pun tumbuh rimbun), dapat juga berguna bagi kesehatan hewan peliharaan Anda karena mengandung nutrisi yang bagus. Bisa juga sebagai hiasan di rumah Anda.
Although cats are carnivores, they seem to have an occasional craving for live green plants. This may be because in the wild, carnivores ingest plant materials in the digestive tract contents of their prey.
Why do cats eat grass? Unlike catnip, cat grass doesn't induce a high in cats. There is no definitive answer as to why cats eat grass but some theories include: Cat acts as a laxative and helps with the passage of hairballs through the system.
Eating grass can induce vomiting, which helps the cat bring up hairballs. It may provide your cat with certain vitamins and nutrients your cat is lacking. They enjoy it.