Deskripsi Shampo Dog Anjing Berkualitas 500 ml + 50 ml Best In Show 1 botol 550ml+free 50 ml harga untuk per 1 botol Pilihan Putih : apa aja terserah
Harga per botol 1. Shampo Flea And Teac : Khusus buat berbagai macam kutu sejenis caplak, dan kutu loncat 2. Shampo Kennel & Stable : Shampo untuk anjing yang berbulu kasar akan lembut dan bulu yang rontok bisa lebih bersih 3. Shampo Puppy : untuk anakan anjing mencegah kerontokan 4.: Extra Body : Shampo membuat warna cerah dan memberihkan yang bernoda spt anjing Chow Chow, Anjing Samoyed 5.Insecticidal : Menjaga keamanan seperti kutu atau serangga 6. Fresh and Clean 7. putih shampo yang di pilih apa aja
Varian tersedia: - White cat Shampoo (Special color highlighting for white, cream,wheaten & light colored cats ) - Long hair (For double coated breeds) - Medicated (Treatment for bacterial dermatitis and skin fungal infection) - Flea & Tick (Kill fleas, lice and control ticks) *Extremely low toxicity to animals and humans - Kitten (Neutral pH, mild & gentle shampoo) *Suitable for long and short kittens. - Easy Groom (Leaving pet's coat manageable for easy grooming and enhance coat natural highlights)
Mild tearless biodegradabale shampoo formulated to provide a natural luxuriant shine whilst leaving the coat free from mats, tangle, and flyaway hair. This shampoo is made from two extracts of natural oils extracted from coconut, in a mild surfactant base, coloured with FDA approved food coloring, pH adjusted by addition of citric acid, BP Grade.