Detail Benih Bibit Biji - Painted Maple for Bonsai (Acer pictum subsp. mono) Seeds - IMPORT
Benih Bibit Biji - Painted Maple for Bonsai (Acer pictum subsp. mono) Seeds - IMPORT
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Acer pictum subsp. mono (Painted Maple), karakternya daun bercabang 5.
Painted maple is native to China, the Russian Far East, Korea and Japan. Due to this large range the different provenances display slight differences both in appearance and in climatic adaptability. The leaves resemble those of the native maple (A. platanoides) but are smaller and the lobes are of approximately equal length. The whole tree is like a smaller version of the Finnish species and would be extremely useful for gardens, especially if a suitable provenance could be found.
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Benih Bibit Biji - Painted Maple for Bonsai (Acer pictum subsp. mono) Seeds - IMPORT