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Benih buah cherry ASLI! Dengan nama latin : Prunus cerasus (spesifikasi lengkap silahkan googling)
- Prunus cerasus (sour cherry, tart cherry or wild cherry) is a species of Prunus in the subgenus Cerasus (cherries), native to much of Europe and southwest Asia. It is closely related to the sweet cherry (Prunus avium), but has greater nutritional benefits, and may have greater medicinal effects. The nutritional differences between the sweet and the tart or sour cherries are displayed at the general page for the fruit. - The tree is smaller than the sweet cherry (growing to a height of 4–10 m), has twiggy branches, and its crimson-to-near-black cherries are borne upon shorter stalks. - Growing Info: Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours. Stratification: cold stratify for 120 days. Germination: sow 1" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed.
Gambar produk
Benih Bibit Biji - Buah Red Sweet Cherry (Prunus cerasus) Seeds - IMPORTBenih Bibit Biji - Buah Red Sweet Cherry (Prunus cerasus) Seeds - IMPORTBenih Bibit Biji - Buah Red Sweet Cherry (Prunus cerasus) Seeds - IMPORT