[BBW SAS BIG SALE] BBW BODY LOTION - Into The Night, In The Stars, Pure Wonder, Dark Kiss, Mad About You, Gingham Love, Warm Vanilla Sugar, Butterfly, Starlit Night, You're The One, Dark Velvet Oud, A Thousand Wishes, Vanilla Bean Noel, Fairytale, Summer
[BBW SAS BIG SALE] BBW BODY LOTION - Into The Night, In The Stars, Pure Wonder, Dark Kiss, Mad About You, Gingham Love, Warm Vanilla Sugar, Butterfly, Starlit Night, You're The One, Dark Velvet Oud, A Thousand Wishes, Vanilla Bean Noel, Fairytale, Summer
Perawatan & Kecantikan > Perawatan Tubuh > Body Cream, Body Lotion & Body Butter > [BBW SAS BIG SALE] BBW BODY LOTION - Into The Night, In The Stars, Pure Wonder, Dark Kiss, Mad About You, Gingham Love, Warm Vanilla Sugar, Butterfly, Starlit Night, You're The One, Dark Velvet Oud, A Thousand Wishes, Vanilla Bean Noel, Fairytale, Summer
Detail [BBW SAS BIG SALE] BBW BODY LOTION - Into The Night, In The Stars, Pure Wonder, Dark Kiss, Mad About You, Gingham Love, Warm Vanilla Sugar, Butterfly, Starlit Night, You're The One, Dark Velvet Oud, A Thousand Wishes, Vanilla Bean Noel, Fairytale, Summer
ORIGINAL FROM STORE YA NO REJECT/KW Bisa minta foto barcode atau label exp by DM Bisa cek penilaian toko jg gak ada yg bilang palsu/reject Counter Price : 354,000
FAQ : 💥 Kok harganya lebih murah dari store? kami belanja pada saat di store sale ya sist, lalu kami stock jadi kamu beli barang discount 💥 Kok barangnya bisa discount besar? BBW selalu keluarin label/packaging baru, jadi yang lama di discount atau tiap ganti musim selalu ada barang seasonalk yang kalau musimnya udah ganti pasti mereka sale 💥Dapet paperbag gak? ada minimal order ya sist, sesuai ketentuan di store ada minimal pembelian sebesar 300,000 untuk dapat paperbag, tapi kami menyediakan cello bag + pita buat kamu sama persis seperti distore, bisa ditulis di notes jika kamu mau
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[BBW SAS BIG SALE] BBW BODY LOTION - Into The Night, In The Stars, Pure Wonder, Dark Kiss, Mad About You, Gingham Love, Warm Vanilla Sugar, Butterfly, Starlit Night, You're The One, Dark Velvet Oud, A Thousand Wishes, Vanilla Bean Noel, Fairytale, Summer