Detail Baut Screw Mur Replacement Thumb Knob Xiaomi Yi Cam Sjcam GoPro BPro
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Action CamThumb Knob/Long Screw/Baut Replacement for SJ4000/SJ5000, Xiaomi Yi & GoPro Hero 3/3+/4 adalah sparepart yang berfungsi untuk mungunci aksesoris seperti waterproof case, j-hook surface, horizontal release buckle, dan semua aksesoris lainya. Thumb knob ini dibuat dari bahan stainless steel dan plastic ABS yang kuat.
FEATURE Connecting directly to your GoPro's existing waterproof shell and mounts, this direct replacement Stainless Steel and Polycarbonate long screw gives more length than the original, for both ease of use and those hard to reach mounting places Stainless Steel thread ensures the screw is both durable and rust-proof Direct replacement for the original GoPro mounting screw, simply screw in and go! Elongated design and chunky handle ensures ease of use and easier access than shorter screws Compatible with all Action cameras such as GoPro, SJCAM and Xiaomi Yi
PACKAGE INCLUDE 1x Thumb Knob Screw + Mur (Sesuai Gambar)
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Baut Screw Mur Replacement Thumb Knob Xiaomi Yi Cam Sjcam GoPro BProBaut Screw Mur Replacement Thumb Knob Xiaomi Yi Cam Sjcam GoPro BPro